You can only imagine what a freakazoid the locals think I might be when I hit the beach like a kook equiped with a surfboard, tripod and platform wedges, hehehe. I'm a big fan of neon brights and alpine whites at the moment, and are those shoes and that jacket meant to be together or what. And since I was in the mood for a fringe frenzy I had to add some ponies to the mix, I only wish that they were real.
I was frothing beyond control when I recieved the Pamela Love 'Quartz Tribal Necklace' from my fam for chrissie. It arrived from Bonadrag in the most beautiful packaging I've recieved to date and even included a BonaDrag mixed Cd of wicked beats, woo hooo, giddy up pony!
Woven Leather Jacket: Similar to Lost Art NYC, wifey beater: Bonds, ripped up shorts: Vintage, Crystal Necklace: Pamela Love
i am dying for that necklace and i think these photos are going to make me buy it tomorrow....ahhh. i love it!! so pretty and the ponies are PERFECT. xx, alex
AHH-MA-ZING!!! The necklace is insane. Super cool photos too. Love LOVE your blog Amanda. :)
B xx
So in love with your platform wedges!
Oh god I would be frothing too, that necklace is beyond words. Amazing photos as always Mandy, I love the way you collage things in photoshop to give them such a beautiful atmosphere!
PS. e-mail me about advertising if you've figured out your rates?! xx
I LOVE the photos with the horses. Really cool!!
wow these photos are amaaazing. and i love each piece you have on esp the necklace - wonderful
and i like it! hehehe!
those shoes are so sick! and i like your little sneaky braids.
def had some beers and tequila for the bday weekend! did pretty well and behaved for the most part ;) drinking tea now to soothe the throat... i like to sing and give a few good yeeeeeeeeeews!
I love the ponies in the background, you're so artistic I love it!
You are soo stunning & unique, I always admire your amazing outfits and gorgeous photos !
& I am obsessing over those wedgess
Pictures are stunning !!!! Love it
xoxo, yamina.
Love everything about this set, your outfit is gorgeous - that fringe jacket is beyond cool and that necklace is to die for!!!
what can I say...pictures are stunning and fringe blazer is the best thing which I've saw for a long time
Freaking perfection. I love the editorial style of these photos. The jacket caught my eye first, I love the fringe. It reminds me of the love child of a cowboy and a mermaid.
it's beyond amazing that you are shooting this yourself!
(i cant imagine the laps to and from camera.. counts as a work out right?)
the shot thats allll fringe! and the black & white..
amazin photos dear
so jealous of the good weather:)
I am dying over these photos woman! That necklace.. argh.. the jacket! You're killing me.. Why weren't you around when I needed the most inspo last year.. HMMMN?! lol
x x x x HUGE love.
so lovely!! those white leather wedges are amazing!!
xx, sophia
very artistic photos... loving the ponies too and the outfit!!
Absolutely love your nail varnish x
holy amazement. you are my hero.
that is all.
These photos are beautiful, I can't even pick a favourite!
I admire you for getting out in public and taking them yourself (I'm assuming as you said you took a tripod with you)!
I don't know what to do: to cry or to smile. To shut up or to scream. Or everything "freakazoid" together!
DESPERATELY NEED that fringe jacket.
And your wedges... where did you get them??
Your pics as always: too much!!
aaaahhh, your blog is like heroin!! hahaha
these photos are great! x
I am dying these are so amazingness it hurts.. go Oracle fox xx
I wouldn't have been surprised if these photos were an editorial and that necklace is pretty awesome! So cool and sweet that your family got it for you! :D
BEYOND - ditto caddy this is an amazing post
Loving the Fringe! Those pictures are to die for! Love!
such a beautiful post! i think i need to do one about it and direct everyone to your blog! its amazing! x
Love the ripped up shorts, you look amazing! x
That jacket rocks, I absolutely love it & it suits you so well! Great neon polish :)
XoXO-Kelli K
One word: WOW!
XO thefashionguitar
you remind me of summer <3
These are so amazing! THIS ONE
That's my fave. THANK YOU for your super inspirational posts! x
Oh man, this shoot is amazing! The neon nails, the fringe jacket and the incredible jewellery. GREAT OUTFIT! I absolutely love it!!
I love the horses..Amazing blog. x
amazing photos!
oh details! they all look so beautiful.
ps. i don't think people would think you've gone apeshizz walking down the beach looking that rad. i think you're awesome.
and i don't know why i just came across your blog for the first time. should have seen something this cool for way too long ago. glad i've found your blog.
Can you see me reaching through the screen to grab your jacket?
I tell you what, it's a bloody good thing that we don't live close to each other!!
haaaaaaaa wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!! i TOTALLY LOOOOOVE these pics!!!amazing always :D
kisses from your italian fan :D
Ummmmmm, those photos/photo collages are insane! So much fun. That fringe leather jacket is unbelievable
amazing photos! so inspiring!
I love the fringes
Ooh Damn! Pictures PERFECTION!
I loveee your blog!!!
i absolutely love your outfit! especially the accessories and how you've put braids in your hair :)
from we-are-the-crowd.com
I wish I was on a beach looking as hot as that!
xo L
Thats the sickest nail polish I've ever seen! Daaamm it's hot! I neeeeeeeddd!! :)
Love Lois
the pamela love necklace is such an amazing piece...so lucky you have it. And these pics are killer...love the horses~
WOW I love this. beautiful photos. I love your shoes and your jewellery and and your cardigan the whole thing is just perfect <3
Love your necklace! I'm so incredibly jealous of all your jewellery you have such a great collection!
the PL piece is ridicuuuulous.....these images are stunning miss.
oracle fox is quickly becoming one of our favs!
xx kayti n kels
I wish I had something more witty to say, but that pretty much sums it up.
Dear god... WHERE DID YOU GET THOSE SHOES!?!? I neeeeed them so bad it hurts.
I need your Leather woven jacket amazing!! www.mypiratehart.com
mandy -
i absolutely adore your blog! your photos and style are amazing. . . one of my newest favorites!
love these photos -
love the styling, the jacket, the shoes & those shorts...
and the ponies too.
love your blog :)
Holy crap, that jacket!!!!
A woman after my own heart through and through, putting this on the daily rotation.
Come visit sometime;
Your jacket is amazing. It reminds me of the most recent Cavalli collection, with all the amazing fringe pieces.
Good god, what don't I want from this post?! Loving the whimsical horses by the way :)
the jacket, the wedges, and pamela love! oh my! oracle fox you continue to inspire me!
ok, seriously, I want all of your clothes! send them my way when ya get tired of em! ;) where are you exactly for these pictures? I love beaches and would love to visit this one! xox
Helllooooo everyone!! Thankyou so much for all of your lovely comments! Wow, I'm so touched by some of your words it really means so much to me. I continue to be motivated and inspired by all of you everyday and without your comments I'd wouldn't continue to grow. For some of you guys that were asking the shoes were custom made and are very similar to a pair made by Tsumori Chisato that were sold out on Opening Ceremony. Yaay thankyou again lovebugs. xx mandy
new fan of your blog and I love all of your images. I may or may not have clicked through about every post. Also, featured this awesome fringe on my recent blog post:
xx- Jessica
I asked about the painting because it reminded me of the ones you painted of the bathing beauties! I absolutely LOVE your blog as well and only realized today that you weren't on my blog roll already (added you today). Xx Molly
Love te neon yellow polish, a favourite of mine xx
holy mother! in love love love! you're incredible... sending love and big safety, water receding wishes to you all up north xxx lizzy
those shoes are friggin amazing! where are they from?
and fantastic photos!!! Do you use a tripod?
That Cavalli blouse really is something isn't it??!! I have been trawling ebay for a vintage find just like it, i'll keep praying one comes my way!
Beautiful post lady, you really are something special!!
Beautiful photos, I love your blog. Its so original. I follow you on lookbook too, you should be a sttylist, all your outfits are always so put together
As usual...you are amazing.you always come to you perfectly blend into nature.And this is unique!
Moroccan kiss
please please tell me where you got your jacket! it's BRILLIANT! and your photos are amazing. and they're all going into my inspiration folder. you're brilliant -the blog is brilliant. im so thrilled of this post!
These photos are really beautiful - amazing work for a gal and her tripod! Your jacket is incredible! Particularly love the b&w shot of you standing with your arms out.
gorgeous AGAIN!
By the way, i have a new give away. check it out!
amazing photos! A free spirit riding with the horses at the beach...
amazing fringe jacket. & photoshop skills! <3
at least youre a freakazoid with this amazing blog entry, haha :) great photos and i love your outfit!
Great outfit! I love it! So cool and stylish...
This is love!
this looks ridiculous
These pics truly embody the blog
these pictures are SICK! perfect background for your outift :)
I love your blog so much, I read it everyday , everything on here is so inspiring and I love it!!!!!! don't ever stop doing what u do! x
i know this is a generic comment but these pictures are so gorgeous.
i love the juxtaposition of the neon nailpaint with the beach and your neutrals. <3
coolest thing i've seen in a while!xxx
Oh dear me...PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE Oracle Fox tell me where you got that jacket from??!! I have been searching high and low for a similar jacket ever since I saw Erin Wasson wearing it. Ever so grateful!!!!
Beautiful pictures!!
Beautiful pictures!!
Hi! I've just found your blog and all your pics are insane <3. I love all the jewelly damn! and these pics are so beautiful, I love the horses effect.
look who's calling the kettle black! your creativity is much more oozey and gushy than mine.
would give anything to trade continents with you.
you have ugly feet
heheh I do have ugly feet! good point anon!
photography on point
toe nais- NEON i love it
necklace TDF
hahah... wow... what a honesty handling such criticism! props to you girl
love the horses!!! sucha creative shoot! i love pamela love too! and bona drag! they do send you the cutest packaging that its almost a shame o throw it away!
nail polish is AMAZING
I love these- next time wolved or deer- three most beauitful animals !!!
just looking back through your previous posts. im home sick this weekend- so what better/what else to do but look at blogs. and since i love yours that much i'm aiming to get back to the start of your site- yes. your heard me right.
haha i saw the anonymous comment- just had to laugh. i don't get what's wrong with people..serious issues..
and then your reply- haha.
but seriously. don't see anything wrong with your feet/toes.what i do see is a planned doctor visit and then an anti-depressive medication prescription ahead for the anonymous commenter.
have a great sunday
You have amazing style and creativity. Also great Photoshop skills. Just wanted to ask where did you get the jacket or if you know where to get a similar one - my obsession for it has grown unhealthy :) xxx
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